Top 5 Tips and Tricks to Make a Perfect Cup of Kratom Tea


Originally from Southeast Asia, Kratom is a tropical plant found in countries such as New Guinea and the Philippines. To cope with fatigue and improve stamina, residents chew the leaves, smoke them, or brew tea from them.

Kratom leaves contain 7-hydromitragyine and mitragynine, two compounds that can bind to brain receptors to induce calmness. Furthermore, mitragynine interacts with other receptors to possibly enhance focus and cognition. Users of Kratom report an overall feeling of balance in their health upon taking small doses.

Western consumers buy Kratom because it promotes peace and tranquility. It may ease anxiety and stress while allowing them to cope with the stress of everyday life. Kratom is available in many forms other than powder, and one of them is Kratom tea. Many Kratom tea drinkers use a French press, teapot, or coffee maker to mix their favorite Kratom strain with their favorite blend.

Origins of Kratom Tea

Kratom is an evergreen tropical tree that’s native to South Asia. Depending on the region, it is known by different names. The leaves contain beneficial alkaloids that may promote wellness.

Kratom has gradually gained in popularity over the years. Many Southeast Asian countries have long been consuming Kratom tea as part of their culture. Laborers mainly consumed it in the course of their long days.

In addition to Asia, it has been adopted in many other countries worldwide. Western countries have particularly embraced it. There are several ways to consume it. Traditionally, people in East Asian nations where Kratom grows chew the fresh leaves right off the tree.

Alternatively, the leaves are dried then ground into a powder. This is one of the most popular methods of consuming Kratom now. There are several ways to take this powder. For example, you can also take it as capsules.

One of the best Kratom strains you can try is White Dragon Kratom. This powder can help deal  with several ailments such as pain, and you can read about most potent red indo kratom powder to order online.

This article will explore another way Kratom can be taken as a tea. To make Kratom tea, it’s placed in water and steeped for a few minutes. The experience is similar to drinking green tea.

You can either drink Kratom tea as is or strain it before drinking it. You may need to add honey if you make it from red or green veins to improve the taste. A similar result can be achieved by adding sugar. However, honey is a healthier and more organic alternative.

Tips and Tricks for Making Kratom Tea

Kratom tea can be consumed at any time of the day as a pick-me-up beverage. While making Kratom tea is a simple process, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you get the most benefits.

  1. Mix With Acid

Nitrogen is present in the alkaloids found in Kratom. Despite being stable, Kratom alkaloids degenerate at high temperatures, which results in a less potent product. 

Adding acidic ingredients such as lemons or apple cider vinegar can help buffer the reactions resulting in the breakdown of alkaloid compounds while adding an extra dash of refreshing flavor to your tea.

  1. Mix Thoroughly

While making Kratom tea, you might notice the powder settling into clumps, which can be unappealing to drink. To avoid this, stir the powder thoroughly before consuming. You can break up any lumps with a small whisk.

  1. Use Hot, Rather Than Boiling Water

The active chemical in Kratom, alkaloids, is responsible for its beneficial health effects. Although Kratom alkaloid compounds withstand high temperatures, it’s not recommended to boil Kratom directly or use boiling water from a kettle. 

Before adding Kratom to your teacup, heat water until it reaches just below the boiling point, or use boiled water that has been slightly cooled.

  1. Use a Sweetener

Though Kratom is very beneficial to your health, it’s bitter. People often prefer the “toss and wash” method, where they quickly throw Kratom powder into the back of their throats and immediately wash it down with water. 

However, this method has the disadvantage of requiring several grams of Kratom, and any powder that sticks can cause bitterness to linger on the palate.

Sugar, honey, or agave juice can be used to mask the flavor of Kratom tea. You can also add ginger, orange zest, or cinnamon when steeping the tea for a more subtle flavor. 

You can also tone down the intensely bitter taste by adding more water when brewing your tea. It is essential to drink the entire cup to receive the same benefits from your usual dose.

  1. Choose the Right Dose

If you are introducing yourself to the benefits of Kratom, Kratom tea can be an excellent way to introduce yourself to these benefits. However, to get all of the benefits of Kratom, it is crucial to use the right amount. Each serving of Kratom contains 2.4g of powder. It’s not advisable to take more than two servings of Kratom per day. If you are a beginner, take it slowly and note how it enhances your well-being.


Kratom may improve your health and support a more energetic and focused lifestyle. Kratom can be brewed into tea to release its healing properties, which are then more readily absorbed by the body because of its biocompatible properties.

First-time Kratom users and veteran Kratom tea drinkers alike can enjoy some easy recipes for Kratom tea found online.