What Do Safe Beaches and Home Security Have in Common?

Beaches and Home security

I was doing some research into home security solutions when I ran across an interesting post discussing the safest beaches in America. It was a bit strange to run on such an article while planning a vacation and choosing among some of the most beautiful beaches.

What made the post so interesting is the site on which it appeared: the Vivint Smart Home website. But after thinking about it, Vivint posting such a good article actually made sense. Safe beaches and home security have quite a bit in common.

For the record, Vivint Smart Home is a nationwide provider of security and home automation solutions. They offer a wide variety of equipment along with professional installation and 24/7 monitoring. But why would they talk about safe beaches? Because safety is the company’s main focus.

Sure, a home security system complete with video surveillance and sensors on all first floor doors and windows can go a long way toward keeping a family safe. But there are plenty of other things property owners can do to improve safety. There is also safety away from the home. Here is the point: safety is more of a mindset than a strategy. A person with a safety-first mindset tends to look at nearly every aspect of life from that perspective.

Taking a Safe Vacation

Source: avisiouk.com

Vivint presented its safe beach post from the perspective of wanting to take a vacation but still being worried about safety issues. The post specifically mentions crime, general security, and even the potential for shark attacks. Whoever wrote the post acknowledges that people have legitimate concerns when taking beach vacations.

The big implication here is that safety-conscious vacationers will research beaches before choosing a destination. That does not seem so unusual given the fact that people often investigate overseas destinations before deciding whether to travel. Many people even go so far as to check with the U.S. Department of State for travel advisories as a normal part of their vacation planning.

A vacation is supposed to be a relaxing, enjoyable experience that allows you to forget the cares of the world for a short time. If you are always worried about your safety, how much can you truly enjoy it? That is the whole point of researching beach towns in advance of deciding where to go on vacation.

Knowledge Truly Is Power

Source: s42814.pcdn.co

We need to be honest and admit that there is no location on Earth that is 100% safe. Even in places like the Arctic, where crime is virtually nonexistent, the weather can do a number on you. Every locale on Earth has its safety risks. The point of researching in advance of taking a vacation is understanding the risks beforehand. In this respect, knowledge truly is power.

Let’s say you wanted to visit a vacation destination with a high crime rate. Your research reveals that travel agents advise clients not to leave their hotels at night. Why? Because it is too dangerous. That is vital information I am guessing you would want to know while you are still in the planning stage.

You might be content to visit the destination knowing that enjoying its nightlife is out of the question. On the other hand, you might be a nightlife person who decides the destination isn’t worth visiting. You can make that decision because you have the knowledge.

Applying Knowledge to Home Security

Source: media.angi.com

Knowledge is equally important in the home security arena. Think about it. What steps have you taken to make your home as secure as it can possibly be? More importantly, on what have you based whatever home security strategies you are now employing?

One of the most effective ways to thwart burglars is to install heavy-duty deadbolt locks on first-floor doors along with security locks on all first-floor windows. Why? Because of a simple fact, most people don’t know: burglars prefer front doors and other first-floor access points for entry. The front door tops the list.

Just knowing this one fact is sufficient motivation to beef up your door and window locks. But there are other things to know. For instance, leaving the garage door open is a burglar magnet. There are two things to consider:

  • Burglars can peak into a garage and get an idea of whether a house is a good target.
  • Garages provide easy access to the home, usually with a less secure door leading into the kitchen or hallway.

Knowing how much burglars love open garages is motivation to keep your overhead door always closed. If home security and smart home automation were your thing, it would be sufficient motivation to install a smart garage door opener as well.

Thinking Like a Criminal Helps

Source: cerberusdesign.com

I am going to assume you are the type of person who researches vacation destinations before you choose where to travel. You want to know everything about the potential destination to ensure you have the most enjoyable experience possible. Why not put that same effort into researching how criminals do what they do? Learning how criminals behave lets you think like them.

Thinking like a criminal is the first step in stopping him. Whether you are at home, away on vacation, or just out and about, your biggest defense against crime is knowledge. When you combine a vast body of knowledge with these three things, you make yourself even safer:

  • Vigilance – Criminals take advantage of easy targets. They are especially appreciative of people who do not pay attention to what is going on around them. Therefore, preventing crime requires vigilance.
  • Technology – Criminals also don’t want to get caught. Utilizing certain technologies, like video surveillance, can deter criminals.
  • Barriers – Finally, criminals tend to look for the easiest way out. Putting barriers in their way causes them to look for softer targets. The harder you can make it on a criminal, the better your chances of being left alone.

Now you know what safe beaches and home security have in common. If you are the type of person who researches vacation destinations for safety reasons, put that same kind of effort into making your home more secure.